Editorial Policy for Anime Mentor

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At Anime Mentor, we are committed to maintaining high editorial standards and delivering unique and high-quality content to our readers. By writing for us, you agree to adhere to the following editorial policy. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in the rejection of your article. Your agreement to this policy is a requirement for entering into a contract with us.


All articles must be 100% original and should pass plagiarism checks, such as Copyscape. We expect writers to submit content that has never been published before. Plagiarized or spun articles based on pre-existing content will not be accepted.

Claims and Data

When including financial claims or data in your articles, it is crucial to thoroughly examine and verify the information. We do not entertain false claims or biased data. Any data, statistics, or claims should be linked to relevant sources that have been previously published and verified by reputable sources.

Empirical evidence should be provided to support claims whenever possible. You may include visuals such as pictures, graphs, and screenshots to substantiate your claims. If there are no authoritative websites or expert endorsements to support a claim, it is advisable to avoid including it in your article.


All articles should provide value to our readers. Each article should have a clear objective and aim to provide information that is valuable and informative. Our goal is to offer the latest news and help readers understand various aspects of anime. Articles must remain completely unbiased, and there should be no promotion or marketing of any specific anime, studio, or company.

Promotions and Marketing

Articles should not contain any promotional or marketing claims or information about anime, companies, or individuals. The article’s title, subheadings, and content should always remain straightforward and unbiased. We strongly discourage the inclusion of promotional or marketing links in our articles.


Consider that our readers are genuinely interested in anime and have knowledge of the subject matter. Your articles should cater to their interests and provide valuable information. We aim to keep our readers informed about the latest developments in the anime industry, so it is essential to understand their needs and preferences before writing an article for them.

Acceptance of Articles

The acceptance of articles is at the discretion of our editorial board. Our editors may accept or reject articles without providing an explanation. When an article is accepted, we will notify you of our decision. The editorial board’s decisions are final and binding for all writers.

News Writing

When writing news articles for us, it is crucial to verify information with credible sources. While we may have shorter timelines for publishing news, we prioritize the authenticity of each news post. Ensure that each news article is supported by empirical evidence and reliable data.

By adhering to this editorial policy, you will contribute to the creation of high-quality content for our readers.

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