A Silent Voice, also known as Koe No Katachi (in Japanese), is a 2016 Japanese animated drama film directed by Naoko Yamada and written by Reiko Yoshida. The highly regarded anime studio, Kyoto Animation, has produced an extremely emotional and realistic film. The film is based on Yoshitoki Oima’s manga series of the same name, which he wrote and illustrated.
The story revolves around a young man who bullied a deaf girl to the extent that she had to move away from him. Years later, he embarks on a journey of redemption. He decides to meet the deaf girl again after his first failed attempt, to return her notebook, which she had lost when she was a child.
On September 17, 2016, the film premiered for the first time. It received a lot of great feedback and continues to be praised. It has grossed over $31.6 million worldwide and was nominated for many accolades, and also won the Japanese Movie Critics Award for Best Animated Feature Film.
Anime Information
Genre | Emotional, psychological, suicide |
Directed by | Naoko Yamada |
Written by (series) | Reiko Yoshida |
Based on | A Silent Voice by Yoshitoki Oima |
Studio | Kyoto Animation |
Release date | September 17, 2016 |
Running time | 130 minutes |
The plot centers around a group of adolescent classmates in elementary school demonstrating emotional, social, and spiritual characteristics. Shouya Ishida, a former delinquent, begins to torment Shouko Nishimiya, the new girl in class, solely due to her deafness. Because of Ishida, Nishimiya loses all her hearing aids, and the instructor summons the bully. His classmates hold him responsible for the bullying of the deaf girl.
Ishida’s mother brings him to see the girl’s family and pays for all of the missing hearing aids when he comes home. Ishida realizes the next day that everyone now regards him differently. Instead of Nishimiya, he now becomes the bullied kid. It starts to deteriorate day by day. After that, Nishimiya is transferred to a different school.
A few years later, Ishida, now a wise, tall man, becomes an introvert with no friends at high school, regrets everything, and atones for his previous misdeeds. He tries to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge, but he was later rescued. He subsequently chooses to meet with Nishimiya in order to retrieve her stuff and apologise for what he did as a child.
When Nishimiya and Ishida decide to be friends, everything starts to run nicely for a while. However, the previous kids turn up once more, and everything starts to fall apart. When Nishimiya attempts suicide, Ishida chases her down and saves her, but he falls down the building by accident and seriously injures himself, for which Nishimiya blames herself.
After regaining consciousness, Ishida requests her assistance once more, this time to teach him how to live.
- Shouko Nishimiya
- Shouya Ishida
- Naoko Ueno
- Miki Kawaii
- Miyoko Sahara
- Tomohiro Nagatsuka
- Kazuki Shimada
- Toshi Mashibasa
- Yuzuru Nishimiya
- Ito Nishimiya
- Yaeko Nishimiya
- Miyako Ishida
- Maria Ishida
Why is A Silent Voice so good?
A Silent Voice Effectively Describes Social Anxiety Through Animation. By using animation, complex topics can be explained in an easy-to-understand manner.
Is A Silent Voice Inappropriate for Childs? Why is silent voice 16+?
It is not recommended for children under 14 years old due to its mature and disturbing themes such as bullying, suicide, and atonement.
Is the silent voice a true story?
There is no proof that A Silent Voice is a true story. The story became a rumor because many fans believed it was based on a true story.
Does A Silent Voice have a sad ending?
No; In the end, the viewer realizes how beautiful and emotional the world is, and tears of joy flow.