Pluto is an upcoming anime series based on the thrilling manga by Naoki Urasawa. Based on Osamu Tezuka’s Astro Boy, the story keeps fans hooked from start to end while raising the stakes and suspenseful nature throughout. In this article, we will look into everything you need to know about the memorable characters of this series.
Character | Age | Height | Birthday | Other Details |
Atom | Appears 10 years old | 4’3″ | Unknown | Robot boy with advanced AI seeking his purpose |
Dr. Tenma | Late 40s | 5’11” | Unknown | Creator of Atom and brilliant but troubled robotics engineer |
Inspector Gesicht | Appears mid 30s | 6’1″ | Built in 2030 | Intense German robot detective trying to solve a string of robot murders |
Epsilon | Appears 13 years old | 4’8″ | Built in 2021 | Mysterious robot with hidden powers seeking revenge |
Hercules | Appears late 20s | 6’5″ | Built in 2015 | Gigantic Swiss robot with super strength, works as a waste disposal robot |
Brando | Appears early 40s | 5’9″ | Unknown | American robot, skilled detective partnered with Gesicht |
Helena | Early 30s | 5’6″ | Unknown | Tenma’s dedicated assistant, later revealed to be a robot |
Professor Abullah | Late 60s | 5’8″ | Unknown | Wise robotics expert and Tenma’s former teacher |
Gesicht is the protagonist of Pluto and a capable detective. After a beloved robot is found dead mysteriously, he is led down a rabbit hole that reveals a plan that could threaten the fate of the entire world. As a humanoid robot himself, Gesicht is serious and is also considered a very advanced being. He is extremely powerful and can defeat opponents using a powerful alloy called Zeronium which makes up his body.
As a Japanese robot who has the appearance of a little boy, Atom is considered the most technologically advanced robot in the world. Despite being a robot, his detectors and sensors make us see him as a human with normal emotions. Atom is caring and very protective of his sister, Uran, while also not hesitating to use his position to help those close to him.
Professor Ochonamizu
Professor Ochonamizu is the caretaker of Atom and creator of Uran while also being the head of Japan’s Ministry of Science. In addition to being a genius in his field, he also shows genuine care for the robots placed under him while also opposing those who plan on exploiting their use.
Mont Blanc
Mont Blanc is arguably one of the most important characters of the story despite having little to no screen time. As a mountain guide robot who had participated in an earlier war, Mont Blanc is beloved by almost every human in the world due to his kind and nurturing presence. Due to this, his sudden death comes as a shock to everyone and pushes Gesicht into action as he discovers a web of secrecy and deceit.
North No. 2
North No. 2 is an honorable and patient robot who was a valuable fighting force back in the days of battle. However, it is also implied that he hates fighting and has decided to spend his time working as a butler to a famous music composer. While the composer is disgusted by the robot’s presence, North No. 2’s helpful nature and innocent curiosity eventually win him over. The refreshing tale between this pair is both beautiful as well as heart-wrenching.
Brando is a nice and likeable robot who works as a wrestler while spending his life in a calm manner with his family and children. Brando is generally easygoing but also realizes what he is set to lose if he puts his life in danger while being yet another excellent example of how the robots in Pluto have mature emotions. At the same time, Brando is also very reliable and sticks up for his friends whenever it is necessary, no matter how dangerous the enemy they face is.
Hercules is a Greek robot wrestler who is very close to Brando and has shared a rivalry with him for a long period of time. Hercules is also very serious and professional when it comes to his job while valuing honor and loyalty above all else. While his personality significantly defers from Brando, both of them do not cower in the face of danger and fight even if they know they cannot win.